Fullstack Academy vs Lambda School

Fullstack Academy vs Lambda School

Need help picking a bootcamp? Check out our comparison to see which school is right for you.

Fullstack Academy vs Lambda School detailed comparison as of February 2025

There's a lot you need to factor into your decision about which job training program to choose. It's a big decision, and not one that you should take lightly.

The first thing to consider is what you want to study and the pace at which you want to study.

Fullstack Academy teaches Full-time and Part-time courses in Software Engineering and Cybersecurity. Lambda School offers Full-time and Part-time in Software Engineering, Design and Data Science.

Next, you'll want to think about cost. There's no point in enrolling in a program if you are not going to be able to afford it. Fullstack Academy charges between $0 and $17,910 for its offerings. Lambda School charges between $0 and 15,000 for its training programs.

How about financing options? That's a good question. As a student at Fullstack Academy, you'll be able to finance your education through Upfront, Financing and Scholarships plans. Students at Lambda School can pay for their education using Upfront, Financing, Income Sharing and Living Stipends.

Overall Rating

Price Range



Programs Available

Software Engineering, Cybersecurity

Software Engineering, Design, Data Science

Programs Pace

Full-time, Part-time

Full-time, Part-time

Financing Options

Upfront, Financing, Scholarships

Upfront, Financing, Income Sharing, Living Stipends

Contact Info

5 Hanover Square, Manhattan, New York City, New York 10004, United States of America 646-905-0991

250 Montgomery St, San Francisco, CA 94104, United States 415-262-4219

Fullstack Academy VS Lambda School is based on 14 applicant, student and graduate reviews.
7 Rating Curriculum Instructors Job Assistance
I always thought coding seemed cool, so I thought I’d pay the super resonable fee take Bootcamp Prep on-campus and just see what happens… 8 months later I am nearing the end of my fellowship, havi

7 Rating Curriculum Instructors Job Assistance
Like many others, I’ve researched a lot of code schools for cost and remote options. I’ve looked over hundreds of reviews, youtube videos, articles and it was really difficult to choose. I actuall

Lambda School Reviews and Key Information

Are you tired of signing up for courses that do not enhance your skills or boost your salary? Finding an online coding school that invests in its students' growth is a challenge. However, just like in any industry, there are exceptions. Coding bootcamps like Lambda offer their students comprehensive training at pocket-friendly prices. The best part of studying at Lambda School is that you do not have to pay any tuition fee until you find a job in tech. If you want to become a web designer, web developer, data scientist, or big data engineer, you should check out this Lambda review.

Lambda School at a Glance

Cost of Tuition $30,000
Financing Options Income Share Agreement, Upfront Payment
Courses Offered Full Stack Web Development, Data Science, Free Mini Code Bootcamp
Career Services and Job Assistance Career Coaching, Job Guarantee, Network of Industry Partners

What Can You Learn at Lambda School?

Would you like to have over 900 hours of coding experience under your belt? If so, you should attend Lambda’s programs. The school provides two main programs to help students start a career in technology. Situated in Silicon Valley, you can access the coding bootcamp programs live and online.

Full Stack Web Development

To become a full stack web developer, you must learn a series of programming languages. You should sign up for this course to learn HTML, CSS, React, Python, Redux, and JavaScript. These are the most popular programming languages used to build websites. The school curated the curriculum to equip you with the technical know-how and professional skills to maintain a web developer’s position. Whether you attend the part-time or full-time course, you will still receive standard quality live online lectures led by professional full stack web developers. In addition to learning programming languages, you will learn how to develop website servers. The instructor will show you how to develop servers using Node.js and RDBMS. Applying computer science concepts should be easy for you after attending this bootcamp. At Lambda, students receive extensive job search support from their job search trainers. This helps them learn the ropes and increases their chances of landing a job in tech. They also learn how to craft a proper resume and cover letter for getting a tech job.

Data Science

If you want to start a career in applied statistics or machine learning, you should consider Lambda among your first choices. Its data science program will take you beyond the fundamental concepts of data science. As part of the curriculum, you will learn Python, SQL, data visualization, linear algebra, and natural language processing. This is a highly recommended course if you love mathematics and rely on data to make informed decisions. In addition to learning Python, the instructor will teach you how to analyze different types of data and build data-powered systems. You can use the projects that you work on during the course to boost your project portfolio. The course also covers predictive modeling, computer science, data engineering, and machine learning. Upon graduation, you’d have the necessary skills to explore junior-level careers in machine learning or data analysis. You will work one-on-one with your job search trainer to stay on track with your job search. The trainer will also advise you on the best route to follow to become a successful data scientist.

Mini Code Bootcamp

Designed to be beginner-friendly, Lambda’s free mini code bootcamp helps students learn how to code. Using a Livestream format, the classes are accessible from anywhere you are. You don't have to pay any tuition fee to attend the live sessions. This bootcamp will help you build your skills from scratch as you learn how to build an online game, train a Python model, and create a JavaScript visualizer for a song.

Admissions: How Do You Get Accepted to Lambda School

Getting into Lambda depends on a number of factors. Let’s look at what the admissions process looks like for prospective students:

Lambda School Application Process

It is relatively challenging to get into Lambda School but the application process is quite straightforward. To start the admissions process, you will need to create an official account on the website. After keying in your details, you will be redirected to the list of courses. After agreeing to the attendance policy, you can select a tuition payment plan and choose a course. The admissions team will then review your application. If successful, you will have to sit for an entrance test/pre-course work which determines the level of experience you have in the field of your choice. If you are applying for the Data Science course, you have to complete a two-hour skills challenge test. Meanwhile, the coding test for the Web Development Program will only take around 15 minutes. If you are successful, you will receive a prompt to submit your college transcript, high school degree, or GED certificate. The school will finalize your admission once you select a preferred start date and pay your fees.

Lambda School Interview

There are no Lambda School interviews. The admissions team enrolls students based on their performance on the pre-course work.

Paying for Lambda School

The school has multiple financing options to make the courses more accessible to students.

Income Share Agreement (ISA)

Most coding bootcamps offer Income Share Agreement to help them manage the tuition fees. At Lambda School, students who opted for ISA do not have to pay anything until graduation. You are only expected to start paying once you find a job paying $50,000 a year. This form of deferred tuition allows you to pay 17 percent of your salary after 24 months. You will make payments until you reach the $30,000 cap.

Upfront Payment

Paying your tuition fee upfront will save you from a lot of stress during and after your classes. The school requires a lump-sum payment of $30,000.

Monthly Installments

Lambda School allows students to pay the tuition fee in installments. The amount you pay and the payment schedule will depend on your location.

California Retail Installment Contract (CA RIC)

The CA RIC allows California residents to pay $30,000 Lambda tuition through payments of 17 percent of their income. The main difference between this contract and ISA is that you must pay $30,000 in full regardless of the number of payments you make.


There are no scholarships available at the moment. You can only pay your tuition fee upfront or through other financing options available.

What Makes Lambda School Unique?

The school believes in offering courses that cut across all levels of expertise. At Lambda School, you do not need any experience in coding or data science. All the courses are beginner-friendly. Unlike most coding bootcamps, you do not need an interview to get into Lambda School. Instead of going through a series of screening tests, all you have to do is prove your commitment and demonstrate your level of experience to apply. A valid job guarantee from Lambda School is another great perk. The coding school stipulates that students only pay their tuition when they have secured jobs in the tech industry. With comprehensive training at Lambda School, will have ample time to prepare for a solid career. Lambda school will provide extensive career preparation from the beginning of the course until students find a job. You will have unlimited access to the school’s mentors and career coaches. After graduation, you can also attend its career preparation program called Lambda Next.

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Job training programs like bootcamps are well known for helping accelerate your career in a particular field.
Job training programs, unlike college, are focused on preparing you for the specific challenges you will face in the job market. This means that you can expect to learn more practical skills that are immediately applicable to the professional workforce than theory.
What's more, many job training programs offer employment support to their students. This support often includes interview practice, job matching services, and career counseling. With this support, you should have no trouble preparing for your job search and finding a job.

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