General Assembly vs Actualize

General Assembly vs Actualize

Need help picking a bootcamp? Check out our comparison to see which school is right for you.

General Assembly vs Actualize detailed comparison as of March 2025

There's a lot you need to factor into your decision about which job training program to choose. It's a big decision, and not one that you should take lightly.

The first thing to consider is what you want to study and the pace at which you want to study.

General Assembly teaches Full-time, Part-time and Self-paced courses in Software Engineering, Design, Data Science, Product Management, Data Analytics and Digital Marketing. Actualize offers Full-time and Part-time in Software Engineering.

Next, you'll want to think about cost. There's no point in enrolling in a program if you are not going to be able to afford it. General Assembly charges between $0 and $20,000 for its offerings. Actualize charges between $0 and $13,900 for its training programs.

How about financing options? That's a good question. As a student at General Assembly , you'll be able to finance your education through Upfront, Financing, Income Sharing and Scholarships plans. Students at Actualize can pay for their education using Upfront and Financing.

Overall Rating

Price Range



Programs Available

Software Engineering, Design, Data Science, Product Management, Data Analytics, Digital Marketing

Software Engineering

Programs Pace

Full-time, Part-time, Self-paced

Full-time, Part-time

Financing Options

Upfront, Financing, Income Sharing, Scholarships

Upfront, Financing

Contact Info

225 Bush St, San Francisco, CA 94104, United States (415) 592-6885

215 W Ohio St Suite 300, Chicago, IL 60654, United States (773) 766-5965

General Assembly VS Actualize is based on 15 applicant, student and graduate reviews.
8 Rating Curriculum Instructors Job Assistance
The program was a great experience. Coming from a quantitative averse background, I was delighted by how much I learned. The tools are current and the instructors take great care in making sure you un

7 Rating Curriculum Instructors Job Assistance
The pros of this program would have to be that it is an online-live class so you do the class wherever you are, but it has real people and a set time so you're not just watching videos alone. The inst

Actualize Reviews and Key Information

If you are in search of a coding bootcamp that offers quality software development training, then Actualize may be the school for you. This comprehensive review will cover courses, tuition payment plans, and the application process. Actualize offers live online lessons and in-person programs in Chicago. You can either opt for the daytime classes or nights-and-weekends classes depending on your schedule. However, bear in mind that the school requires you to commit around 40 hours every week. Read on to learn more about this coding bootcamp.

Actualize at a Glance

Cost of Tuition $14,900
Financing Options Upfront Payment, Installments, Loans
Courses Offered Software Development
Career Services and Job Assistance Career Coaching, Interview Preparation, Job Hacking Program

What Can You Learn at Actualize?

If you are looking to learn to code in HTML, JavaScript, or any other foundational programming languages, Actualize courses are for you. The program covers immersive software development topics, designed to nurture both your technical and soft skills.

Prep Course

Being code literate is very crucial before attending an immersive coding bootcamp, and Actualize’s prep course helps you with that. The pre-work course is four weeks long and is done remotely on the student’s own time. Students will be given exercises that are due at the end of each week. The course covers the basics of coding, computer science, and software development. It is a great way for tech newbies to gain confidence as they prepare to take on more complex technical subjects.

Online Coding Bootcamp

This is a 12-week live online course that will cover both front end and backend web development. The curriculum includes Ruby on Rails, CSS, JavaScript, Vue.js, SQL, and other in-demand tools. It is designed to train tech novices for a career in software development.

In-Person Coding Bootcamp

Actualize’s in-person coding bootcamp has the same curriculum as the remote program. It covers top programming languages and frameworks such as JavaScript, Vue.js, HTML, CSS, SQL, and Git. In 12 weeks, students will be taught how to think and learn like software engineers.

Admissions: How Do You Get Accepted to Actualize?

Actualize is a beginner-friendly coding bootcamp with a fairly straightforward admissions process. The school does not have any technical prerequisites. All potential students need is the passion and dedication to learn software development.

Actualize Application Process

The application process is very easy. You are simply required to fill out an online form that asks for general information. The school will then contact you for an interview and notify you of its decision within seven days. Actualize has yet to make its admissions rate public. However, your chances of being accepted are likely high considering that the school accepts students with zero coding background.

Actualize Interview

The interview will be an opportunity for the school’s admissions counselor to get to know you better. The questions will mostly cover your career goals and tech background, among other things. You can also use this chance to ask any questions you may have about the school. The interview is less formal and more relaxed, so basic preparation will suffice.

Paying for Actualize

Both the online and in-person courses cost $14,900. To help make the tuition more manageable, Actualize offers several financing options, which are listed below.

Upfront Payment

The upfront payment option is ideal for anyone who can afford the entire $14,900 at once. If you choose this plan, you can get a tuition discount of up to $500.


This interest-free plan allows you to break up your tuition into three payments. Students will work with an admissions advisor to come up with the amount and payment dates. It should be noted that the full amount must be paid before graduation.


This is a financing plan that Actualize calls TuitionFlex.The school will help finance your course and you will have up to three years to pay it all back. Depending on your credit score and financial history, monthly payments can be up to $488. Students are welcome to consult an admissions advisor for more information about this plan.

What Makes Actualize Unique?

Actualize is a top-rated software engineering and web development bootcamp that offers its courses to everyone regardless of background. The school’s immersive program will help tech enthusiasts hone their skills and build their portfolios as they prepare to break into the industry. With everyone’s best interest in mind, the school offers two schedules. With both daytime and nights-and-weekends options, Actualize makes it possible for students to have a day job and attend a full-time bootcamp at the same time. Coding bootcamps can be intimidating for newbies. Actualize takes that into consideration and designs its courses to be beginner-friendly. The school also requires you to complete four weeks of basic computer science prep work before classes begin. To help students secure their first tech job, Actualize offers career support for both online and in-person programs. Its career advisors will help students hone their resumes, ace their job interviews, and more. Actualize’s students also take on capstone projects that demonstrate their proficiency in software development. This project is a great way for students to enhance their portfolios. If the courses, schedules, financing options, and curricula sound good to you, then Actualize may just be what you’re looking for. The school is dedicated to helping students go from tech newcomers to junior developers in just weeks.

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Job training programs like bootcamps are well known for helping accelerate your career in a particular field.
Job training programs, unlike college, are focused on preparing you for the specific challenges you will face in the job market. This means that you can expect to learn more practical skills that are immediately applicable to the professional workforce than theory.
What's more, many job training programs offer employment support to their students. This support often includes interview practice, job matching services, and career counseling. With this support, you should have no trouble preparing for your job search and finding a job.

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