Career Advice

Hands exchanging a contract

Insurance Agents In 10 Years: Will Insurance Agents Become Obsolete?

Technological advances have always been a double-edged sword. On one hand, technology makes our lives easier, but on the other, it can render a lot of jobs and industries useless. If you're an insurance agent, you’ve probably found yourself asking, “When will insurance agents become obsolete?” If insurance agents become obsolete in 10 years, will your skills as an insurance agent

A doctor holding a red and yellow stethoscope while wearing a white lab coat.

Doctors in 10 Years: Will Doctors Become Obsolete?

The ever-growing field of artificial intelligence and sophisticated robotic technology paired with advanced digital health solutions have impacted the day-to-day job duties of the average doctor. But, will this affect the demand for doctors, and will doctors become obsolete? This article will cover just that. We will provide answers to questions like, When will doctors become obsolete? Will doctors’ skills become

Woman wearing black sitting with her laptop and working. Coding Bootcamp Cost

How Much Do Coding Bootcamps Cost?

Coding bootcamps are immersive and fast-paced tech educational programs. Bootcamps focus on hands-on learning along with acquiring practical skills for a career in technology. You also learn soft skills through workshops, professional events, and career counseling to prepare for your career.  You will find in-person, hybrid, and online coding bootcamps to suit your learning goals. The flexibility is ideal for busy

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