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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a Marketer

Successful people of every career path can often feel like their achievements are undeserved. This phenomenon is called imposter syndrome, and it can be challenging, if not impossible, to appreciate where you are. It can also make constructive criticism more difficult to accept. However, many accomplished people with amazing careers experience these feelings.

This syndrome often goes without proper acknowledgment, leaving many people to bear it without a proper understanding of what they are going through. What is imposter syndrome? How can you become more confident? Overcoming imposter syndrome in marketing will require answering these questions and exploring other facets of this phenomenon.

What Is Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter syndrome is a psychological pattern where one doubts their accomplishments and skills. This phenomenon is also known as fraud syndrome, and those who experience it find it hard to believe that they are worthy of praise. According to a study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Sciences, about 70 percent of people will experience imposter syndrome in their lives.

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Getting recognized and praised for your achievements can often put you in fear of being exposed as a fraud. Receiving compliments and positive feedback can often have the opposite effect than it should, making people feel uncomfortable and uneasy.

Is Imposter Syndrome Common in Marketing?

Yes, this syndrome is quite common in marketing. Marketing is a career that rewards skill and expertise, which is the only way to climb the industry ladder and build a successful career. However, despite your talent, it is common to experience crippling self-doubt. 

How Imposter Syndrome Affects Marketers

Lack of Confidence

A pivotal part of marketing is getting people’s attention and convincing them of what skills you have to offer. This requires confidence and the ability to present yourself professionally. However, it is difficult to have confidence in yourself and what you have to market if you have imposter feelings.

Timid Personality

The charm that you might have as a marketer will win a lot of people over, which is a big part of the job. However, some people believe that their success is not because of the quality of their work. This leads some people to be less sure of themselves and lose opportunities that they could have landed if they had spoken up.


Feeling inadequate can affect your career choices in a negative way if you start to worry too much about how you are perceived. Many start pandering in trying to keep a good image, which involves doing what your superiors say even when you feel differently. Doing this will distract you from your job and lead to bad decision-making.

What Causes Imposter Syndrome?


Studies by the American Psychological Association show that over the decades, more young people are becoming perfectionists. Perfectionism is a personality trait that is characterized by striving for flawlessness and getting the best possible result from your work. This can be quite unhealthy, mainly because these expectations are unrealistic. It can also seep into people’s personal lives.


Expectational pressures from our social environment can affect our minds. For example, having friends that only value you for your achievements could cause an internal experience where you feel like you’re not good enough. You might develop the idea that your career successes are the only things that make you valuable, which results in pressure to perform.

Unsupportive Family

A negative family life can result in many forms of trauma. Having a feeling of imposter syndrome after achieving success and rising to a senior role in your field is sometimes a result of lacking support in childhood. If your parents or guardians made you feel like nothing you did was enough, it might result in doubt and feeling like a fraud when you get that validation elsewhere. 

What Imposter Syndrome Looks Like in the Workplace

Imposter syndrome can take different shapes depending on what triggers it. In the workplace, skilled and creative people are not only rewarded by rising in their career, but they also often receive praise and respect from their coworkers. Despite all the recognition, a marketer or digital marketer with this syndrome will feel very uncomfortable and inadequate.

A person who struggles with imposter feelings might shy away from compliments and praise in the workplace. They might also find themselves working extra hard just to keep up with the expectations that have been placed on them, as well as the expectations they have for themselves.  

Can Imposter Syndrome Be Cured?

Yes, imposter syndrome is a state of mind, but it can be cured nonetheless. Impostor syndrome is not a reliable interpretation of reality. Even though the proof of your competency is as clear as day, you still might have fraudulent feelings. 

The good thing is that any mental state, even those rooted deep in the subconscious, can be changed given the right persistence. In order to counter the feelings, you have to open up and begin your journey to appreciation. You can read blog posts, attend coding bootcamps, and pursue therapy.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome in Marketing

Recognize Your Value

Imposter syndrome is solidified by a collection of feelings, one of which is self-doubt. These feelings prevent you from seeing your value. A good way to curb these feelings is to assess your actual performance, showing yourself the proof of your value and the impact that you have made as you became a marketer.

Accept Compliments

Though you might get an anxious feeling anytime you’re being praised by your coworkers and colleagues, you shouldn’t reject their compliments. You need to learn to accept your achievements. There is no better proof of your value than having other people tell you you’re doing well.

Believe in Yourself

Confidence is key in marketing, but in order to be convinced of your competence, you have to believe in yourself. Learning to believe in yourself means understanding your strengths and having confidence in your abilities. Everyone slips from time to time, but you need to try to keep your head up. For example, if you’re networking at a digital marketing event, self-confidence is key.

Track Your Success

A good way to drive home the idea of your value is by tracking your success. It will be harder to be convinced by your fraudulent feelings if you track your achievements. Whenever you’re afraid that you’re an imposter in marketing, you will have tangible proof of your value. Try keeping a list of your achievements or of positive feedback from coworkers.

Upskill Regularly

If you struggle to see your worth, you should give yourself opportunities to change. Improving your skills and seeing the result of your effort can help with feelings of self-doubt. Learning to code, for example, is a good option. You can create a tangible project and get a bootcamp certificate that proves your worth to prospective employers.

How a Coding Bootcamp Can Help You Get Over Imposter Syndrome

Building new skills can help you feel more confident in your job, which is why attending one of the best digital marketing bootcamps is a good choice. A bootcamp is an educational program that is designed to teach students new skills in tech, marketing, and design. Learning how to code is a great option for adding to your skills, which can help you get over imposter syndrome. 

Can Imposter Syndrome Be a Good Thing?

Yes, imposter syndrome can actually be a good thing in certain instances. It might be hard to see your feelings of uncertainty as a good thing. However, because there are different types of imposter syndrome, it means some positive things can come from those feelings. Below, we have detailed the good and bad effects of imposter syndrome.  

Why Imposter Syndrome Is Good

  • Creates humility. If nothing else, having imposter syndrome culls the ego. We are more humble when we have doubts about ourselves, which is beneficial.
  • Fosters diligence. One benefit of imposter syndrome is that you are more likely to pay close attention to your work. This can make you more hardworking and diligent.
  • Allows open-mindedness. When you have doubts about your skills, knowledge, and value, you tend to be more open to new information. 

Why Imposter Syndrome Is Bad

  • Causes burnout. When you are never satisfied with your results or never acknowledge your own value, you likely work too much to compensate, which can lead to burnout.
  • Creates isolation. This mental state can often leave you feeling lonely, as no one can understand your position. When you can’t share your feelings, you will start to feel isolated.
  • Brings feelings of insecurity. Having doubt in yourself and never trusting when you are praised are all symptoms of the chronic insecurity that comes with imposter syndrome. This can affect other parts of your life, too.

Don’t Let Imposter Syndrome Hold You Back

Imposter syndrome is a vicious mentality, and it can exacerbate other mental health issues. Even though it can be difficult, you must learn how to be stronger mentally. Though it is easier said than done, the last thing that you should do is let your imposter syndrome get the better of you.

Often, this fraud syndrome can be discouraging. It is important not to let imposter syndrome hold you back, whether in your career in marketing or any other facet of your life. You can attend a coding bootcamp and learn a skill to help gain confidence. You can also share your thoughts with friends or close coworkers. You never know who might be feeling the same. 

Imposter Syndrome in Marketing FAQ

How do I know if I have imposter syndrome?

You know you have this syndrome when you feel like a fraud or feel like your success is undeserved. Many people with imposter syndrome have trouble accepting compliments and don’t apply for more senior jobs, even if they’re qualified.

Should I get a therapist for imposter syndrome?

Yes, getting a therapist would definitely help you overcome this issue. Imposter syndrome is an affliction of the mind, which a lot of people do not know how to manage. Therapists are meant to guide us through our thoughts and experiences and help us find the answers to our mental afflictions.

Should I quit my job if I have imposter syndrome?

No, you don’t have to quit your job. However, if you feel like the pressure is too much for you or that you are too uncomfortable, you should consider quitting. Taking some time off might be just what you need to clear your head.

Can imposter syndrome be a good thing?

Although not a good thing overall, imposter syndrome can have some positive effects. Many people with this issue have an increased work ethic and are more diligent. It can also make you more open-minded and willing to try new things to further your career and achieve more.

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